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About NURSphere

  • Innovative Nursing Education Strategies
    - Simulation Education
    - Virtual Simulation Education
    - AI-Augmented Virtual Simulation Education
  • Smart Caring & Child Health
    - SINVIE (Smart Innovative Navigating Virtual Interactive Environment)
  • Global health & Child Health
    - Bright Kyrgyzstan: Child Health Promotion in Migrant Villages
  • Global Health & Nursing Education
    - Global Education Support
    - Leading University Project for International Cooperation


[채용] 2024년 NURSphere Lab 연구원 모집 공고: 경희대학교 NURSphere Lab과 함께 성장하고자 하는 연구팀원을 모집합니다. [마감]
NURSphere Lab 개발협력사업팀 Bright Kyrgyzstgan 에서 2023 하반기 ODA YP를 모집합니다 [마감]
We are excited to inform you about the call for abstracts for our upcoming 'The 4th International Nursing Forum 2023’. The forum will focus on the theme of 'Nursing Leadership and Career Development,' and it will provide a platform for nurses to share their experiences, challenges, and successes in this field. Accepted abstract authors will have to present poster on the International Forum. Detailed information press here ▶
[2023.06.27] The 4th International Forum 2023 will be held on June 27th from 09:30 a.m. (KGT) at the Conference Hall of I.K. Akunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic! Simultaneous online participation and English-Russian translation provided. We look forward to your support and active participation in this forum ! Detailed information press here! ▶
[2023.05] Please support the Nursing Act in South Korea. The Nursing Act plays a crucial role in establishing a clear framework for nursing and ensuring the delivery of high-quality healthcare services. It directly impacts the health and well-being of people in country.
[2023.04] Our project 'Innovation in Nursing Degree Program on Pandemic Disaster Response and Clinical Competence (BK-LUPIC)' has completed its first year, and we are now starting the second year! Together with our esteemed partner, the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I. K. Akhunbaev, Team BK-LUPIC has taken a significant step towards improving nursing education in the Kyrgyz Republic. Follow us on our official webpage and social media for updates and show your support! ☞ brightkyr.khu.ac.kr
[2023. 03] Sangmin Lee has successfully completed as an ODA Young professional at NURSphere Lab's Team Bright Kyrgyzstan and has been appointed as research assistant here too, as well as a graduate student since January. We are grateful for the opportunity to continue working towards our shared goals.
[2023. 03] The first year project of the 'Development and evaluation of AI augmented multi-user virtual environment simulation in healthcare (AI MUVE simuluation)' has been completed and the year core objectives for making the foundation of healthcare education using AI MUVEs, are successfully accomplished. On the results of the first year project, we continue to walk throght the second year!
[2023. 02] Eunji Kim and Goeun Min have been officially appointed as ODA Young Professionals at NURSphere Lab's team Bright Kyrgyzstan, effective February 1, 2023. We extend our warmest welcome and look forward to their contributions !
[2023. 01] We are pleased to welcome Minju Kim, our former team member, as the new project team manager for Bright Kyrgyzstan at NURSphere Lab. We look forward to the synergy that Minju's expertise will bring to our journey of realizing our vision of 'Making a better world'!