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Global Health and Child Health

  1. 15
    Shin, H., Shon, S., & Rim, D. H. (2019, November 16-17). Quality of parent-child interactions in migrant community [Poster presentation]. Sigma Theta Tau International 45th Biennial Convention, Washington, DC, USA. http://hdl.handle.net/10755/18925
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    Jo, H. M., & Shin, H. (2018). Effect of breathing exercise using pan flutes on the postoperative compliance, pulmonary infections and life satisfaction in elderly patients undergoing spinal surgery. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, 48(3), 279-288. https://doi.org/10.4040/jkan.2018.48.3.279
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    Shin, H., Kent, D. A., Martyn-Nemeth, P., Park, C., & Quinn, L. T. (2014, June). Quality of life in young adults with newly diagnosed T1DM [Abstract presentation]. Diabetes, American Diabetes Associtation, San Fransisco, CA.
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    Wang, H., Kim, H., Yoo, I., & Shin, H. (2013). Parenting stress in mothers of premature infants. Child Health Nursing Research, 19(1), 39-48. http://dx.doi.org/10.5468/CHNR.2013.19.1.39
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    Kang, H. S., Shin, H., Hyun, M., & Kim, M. J. (2010). Human papilloma virus vaccination: Perceptions of young Korean women. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(9), 1946-1952. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2648.2010.05369.x
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    Shin, H., & Ji, E. S. (2009). Factors influencing body image among children with type 1 diabetes. Journal of East-West Nursing Research, 15(2), 150-156.
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    Shin, H. S., & Shin, H. (2008). Antecedents of health-promoting behavior among female university students in Korea. Journal of East-West Nursing Research, 14(1), 78-86.
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    Shin, H., Yoo, I., & Park, H. (2007). Safety perception and behaviors of mothers with school age children. Journal of East-West Nursing Research, 13(2), 130-137.
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    Shin, H. & Kim, M. J. (2006). Subcutaneous tissue thickness in children with type I diabetes. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 54(1), 29-34. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2648.2006.03786.x
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    Shin, H. (2006). Therapeutic play as a nursing intervention. Journal of Nursing Inquiry, 15(1), 25-47. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/277143121