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Innovative Nursing Education: Simulation and Smart Caring

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    Shin, H., Rim, D., Shon, S., Jeon, H. (2018, December). Need assessment of navigating community service for children with disabilities and their families [Poster presentation]. 2018 Winter conference of the Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
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    Kim, E. J., Kim, G. S., Sung, K. M., Shin, H., Shin, H. K., Lee, Y. J., Jeong, S. H., & Kim, N. H. (2018). Analysis of the contents and importance of clinical practicum education in adult health nursing according to nursing intervention classification (NIC) system. Journal of Korean Academy on Communication in Healthcare, 13(2), 205-216. http://doi.org/10.15715/kjhcom.2018.13.2.205
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    Shim, K., Shin, H.,& Rim, D. (2018). Analysis of students’ clinical judgment process during nursing simulation. Journal of the KoreaAcademia-Industrial Cooperation Society, 19(9), 130-138. https://doi.org/10.5762/KAIS.2018.19.9.130